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Ilustracje zamiast zdjęć we włoskim "Vogue"

Po raz pierwszy od 1932 roku na okładce "Vogue Italia" nie zobaczmy fotografii, tylko ilustrację.

Jak poinformował czytelników "Vogue Italia" redaktor naczelny magazynu Emanuele Farneti, przygotowanie sesji zdjęciowej na okładkę to koszt nawet kilku tysięcy euro. Składa się na niego przygotowanie studia, modelek, często wyjazdy w plener, sprzęt.

Suma, która miała zostać przeznaczona na styczniową sesję okładkową wspomoże zniszczone w ostatniej powodzi weneckie muzeum Fondazione Querni.



*NO PHOTOSHOOT PRODUCTION WAS REQUIRED IN THE MAKING OF THIS ISSUE A preview of the January 2020 Vogue Italia Special Issue on newsstands January 7th Female figure wearing @Gucci by Vanessa Beecroft @VBuntitled Cover 2 of 7 *** "All of the covers, as well as the features of our January issue, have been drawn by artists, ranging from well-known art icons and emerging talents to comic book legends, who have created without travelling, shipping entire wardrobes of clothes or polluting in any way. The challenge was to prove it is possible to show clothes without photographing them. This is a first, Vogue Italia has never had an illustrated cover: and as far as I know no issue of Vogue Italia in which photography is not the primary visual medium has ever been printed. Thanks to this idea, and to these artists' process, the money saved in the production of this issue will go towards financing a project that really deserves it: the restoration of @FondazioneQueriniStampalia in Venice, severely damaged by the recent floods.” @efarneti See more via link in bio. Full credits: Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Fashion @franragazzi @robertaninapinna Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio #VogueValues

Post udostępniony przez Vogue Italia (@vogueitalia)


*NO PHOTOSHOOT PRODUCTION WAS REQUIRED IN THE MAKING OF THIS ISSUE A preview of the January 2020 Vogue Italia Special Issue on newsstands January 7th @MiloManara_official featuring @OliviaVinten in @Gucci Cover 6 of 7 *** “I owe everything to women,” says Milo Manara, the father of erotic comics. The artist who collaborated with Hugo Pratt, Federico Fellini, and Alejandro Jodorowsky, this year, is celebrating fifty years of career. “For my cover I referenced the greatest of models, Michelangelo’s David, but in female form. I wanted to recreate the same pose, the quiet pride of the victor, which is the attitude that represents femininity in our times despite male resistance. David took on Goliath’s brute force with a slingshot. He won by using intelligence. Today, women have a great Goliath to defeat: male chauvinism, the patriarchy, and violence.” #MiloManara See more via link in bio. Full credits: #OliviaVinten @dnamodels Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Fashion @franragazzi @robertaninapinna Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio #VogueValues

Post udostępniony przez Vogue Italia (@vogueitalia)

Emanuele Farneti zwrócił przy tej okazji uwagę na koszty, jakie ponosi środowisko naturalne, by prestiżowy tytuł mógł publikować zdjęcia. - Co najmniej 10 godzin ciągłego zapalania światła, częściowo zasilanego przez generatory. Resztki żywności z cateringu. Plastik do owijania ubrań. Ładowarki do telefonów, kamer… - wyliczył w notce redaktor naczelny włoskiego "Vogue".  - Wydawanie magazynu o modzie wiąże się ze znaczącym wpływem na środowisko - dodał.


*NO PHOTOSHOOT PRODUCTION WAS REQUIRED IN THE MAKING OF THIS ISSUE A preview of the January 2020 Vogue Italia Special Issue on newsstands January 7th @Yoshitaka_Amano featuring @LindseyWixson in @Gucci Cover 5 of 7 *** "All of the covers, as well as the features of our January issue, have been drawn by artists, ranging from well-known art icons and emerging talents to comic book legends, who have created without travelling, shipping entire wardrobes of clothes or polluting in any way. The challenge was to prove it is possible to show clothes without photographing them. This is a first, Vogue Italia has never had an illustrated cover: and as far as I know no issue of Vogue Italia in which photography is not the primary visual medium has ever been printed. Thanks to this idea, and to these artists' process, the money saved in the production of this issue will go towards financing a project that really deserves it: the restoration of @FondazioneQueriniStampalia in Venice, severely damaged by the recent floods.” @efarneti See more via link in bio. Full credits: #LindseyWixson @thesocietynyc Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Fashion @franragazzi @robertaninapinna Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio #VogueValues

Post udostępniony przez Vogue Italia (@vogueitalia)


*NO PHOTOSHOOT PRODUCTION WAS REQUIRED IN THE MAKING OF THIS ISSUE A preview of the January 2020 Vogue Italia Special Issue on newsstands January 7th @Paolo.Ventura featuring @FeliceNova in @Gucci Cover 7 of 7 *** "All of the covers, as well as the features of our January issue, have been drawn by artists, ranging from well-known art icons and emerging talents to comic book legends, who have created without travelling, shipping entire wardrobes of clothes or polluting in any way. The challenge was to prove it is possible to show clothes without photographing them. This is a first, Vogue Italia has never had an illustrated cover: and as far as I know no issue of Vogue Italia in which photography is not the primary visual medium has ever been printed. Thanks to this idea, and to these artists' process, the money saved in the production of this issue will go towards financing a project that really deserves it: the restoration of @FondazioneQueriniStampalia in Venice, severely damaged by the recent floods.” @efarneti See more via link in bio. Full credits: #FeliceNovaNoordhoff @michamodels Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Fashion @franragazzi @robertaninapinna Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio #VogueValues

Post udostępniony przez Vogue Italia (@vogueitalia)



*NO PHOTOSHOOT PRODUCTION WAS REQUIRED IN THE MAKING OF THIS ISSUE A preview of the January 2020 Vogue Italia Special Issue on newsstands January 7th @Cas_Amandaa @Cas_Namoda featuring @Ambar_Cristalz in @Gucci Cover 4 of 7 *** "All of the covers, as well as the features of our January issue, have been drawn by artists, ranging from well-known art icons and emerging talents to comic book legends, who have created without travelling, shipping entire wardrobes of clothes or polluting in any way. The challenge was to prove it is possible to show clothes without photographing them. This is a first, Vogue Italia has never had an illustrated cover: and as far as I know no issue of Vogue Italia in which photography is not the primary visual medium has ever been printed. Thanks to this idea, and to these artists' process, the money saved in the production of this issue will go towards financing a project that really deserves it: the restoration of @FondazioneQueriniStampalia in Venice, severely damaged by the recent floods.” @efarneti See more via link in bio. Full credits: #AmbarCristalZarzuela @nextmodels Editor in chief @efarneti Creative director @ferdinandoverderi Fashion @franragazzi @robertaninapinna Casting directors @pg_dmcasting @samuel_ellis @ DM Fashion Studio #VogueValues

Post udostępniony przez Vogue Italia (@vogueitalia)

"Vogue Italia" zadba o środowisko naturalne

Styczniowy numer  "Vogue Italia" będzie miał siedem wersji okładki - na każdej znajdzie się ilustracja przygotowana przez innego artystę. Prace przygotowali David Salle, Paolo Ventura, Cassi Namoda, Delphine Desane, Milo Manara, Vanessa Beecroft, Yoshitaka Amano.  

Condé Nast Italia, wydawca "Vogue Italia", zobowiązał się do pakowania magazynu w plastik nadający się do recyklingu. Emanuele Farneti i 25 innych redaktorów edycji Vogue'a zobowiązało się w grudniu do pomocy w "zachowaniu planety dla przyszłych pokoleń".

Dołącz do dyskusji: Ilustracje zamiast zdjęć we włoskim "Vogue"

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Magazyn CKM też eksperymentował z okładką.
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mam radę dla redaktora naczelnego jak zaradzić problemowi nieekologiczności vogue italia. ZAMKNĄĆ MAGAZYN.
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